Wednesday, November 24, 2010

so many stories, so many rumors, so many negative view and i was asked why do i still trust?

i shud only trust some not all. but can we reli trust someone half? isnt it a little hard to do?

rumors kills , but again, is that a reason for a to choose a friend?

ok on the other note

just a random thought ; " do u feel proud hanging arounds with pretty girls ? "

p.s theres more than that in life isnt it? come on, girls without good impression for ppl arent something you should be proud of isnt it?


no use giving explaination as i feel that it doesnt matter, so what if i were to have bad rumors? if that is the reason a person wouldnt want to know me, i dun think it reli matters.

at least if he or she take the iniative to find out what the truth is.

one thing we must always remmeber is ;

" if everyone is talking about the same thing, even fake things will be true "

think bout it :)

another random photo

" memories from Prom Nite "

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